12 Beautifully Designed Advent Calendars Just In Time For the Holidays

With the holidays right around the corner we wanted to celebrate some advent calendars that are taking their design to the next level. Advent calendars were traditionally designed to count down the days until Christmas and would often serve a religious purpose. In modern times however, the advent calendar has evolved to serve a commercial purpose, as brands have cashed in to create elaborate products that celebrate the best of their goods. Take a look below at our picks for some seriously beautiful advent calendars.

1. Kiehls

2. The Ginvent Calendar

3. Liberty London

4. Fortnum and Mason Advent Calendar

5. Diptyque

6. Lookfantastic’s Beauty Box

7. Jo Malone

8. The Body Shop

9. Benefit Cosmetics

10. Asos Grooming Advent Calendar

11. Vinebox’s Twelve Nights of Wine

12. Sephora Winter Wonderland Advent Calendar


SOURCE: http://www.thedieline.com/blog/2017/10/30/12-beautifully-designed-advent-calendars-just-in-time-for-the-holidays?utm_source=DIELINE+MASTER+LIST&utm_campaign=69189845c0-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_06_28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8fea6acfcb-69189845c0-230233257


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