Year Book Printing - Yearbook Printing Company | Print It ZA

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Yearbook printing

Yearbook printing — Group memories eternalized on paper

Yearbook printing

Now that yet another academic year is coming to an end, it’s time to make sure you won’t forget the joy, happiness, and friendships it has brought. Print It ZA is a yearbook printing company of choice for those graduating from high school, college, university, or other institutions in South Africa. Eternalize your carefree moments with us to put them together in a lovely yearbook!

Printing yearbooks is the art of commemoration and design excellence. Print It ZA has perfected this art with all the trappings of wonderful school memories to print them however you like. Take as many group photos as you want, capture the events you were fortunate to attend with your friends, and showcase your academic achievements. The next step? Collect them together and contact us to bring them to perfection in a yearbook.

Custom yearbook printing

Your school or university memories are only yours and should never be truncated, cut short in a yearbook. To keep them in their most pristine form, we can do unique customizations to commemorate your academic experiences without taking away the best things from them. Thanks to these customizations, you can select:

  • Hardcover or paperback format
  • Orientation of your group photos and content layout
  • Number of pages in your yearbook
  • Page size and type
  • All things colors, including vibrancy and consistency

Our yearbook printers and design team and software can’t screw it up. Whether you want a 100-page, full-color yearbook or a tiny one with saddle-stitch binding for your memory keepsakes, you’ll get it created without a single group photo looking awful or with darker-than-usual colors. Take it as our quality promise.

Print a yearbook that lasts forever

They haven’t invented the time machine yet, but have you ever flicked through a yearbook with group photos of high-school friends? Make no mistake — it works better than a time machine. And Print It ZA can ensure it can’t break down when you meet your friends during a reunion.

Our year book printing service will prevent your memories from fizzling out for good. From paper quality to cover durability, every facet of your yearbook will be made to stand the test of time. It will keep your school or university memories alive for decades so that everyone in your group is taken back to the best years of their lives. Visualize again how curious you were in a classroom, how united you were in that football team, or how thirsty you were for knowledge in the foreign language club.

Yearbook printing near me — Call today

Are your group photos ready? Don’t wait to upload them for yearbook printing online and select design intricacies for each page. We’ll calculate a quote for your yearbook faster than you could think it was possible.

After your yearbook is printed, we’ll deliver it to you, your school or educational institution. Call 010 446 5618 to start turning your academic memories into something you can cherish now and forever!