What is a softcover book?

A softcover format can be great for novels for leisure reading

While hardcovers may receive more attention initially, the truth is that the majority of readers are eagerly anticipating the release of a paperback. But what is a paperback book?

In layperson’s terms, a paperback (or softcover) book is gentler to the touch as it is made with a paperboard cover and pages that are glued together. This book-making technique makes your piece more convenient to carry, affordable, and far more pleasant to read (according to most bookworms out there).

It is common for publishers to release a hardback first to generate interest and increase earnings, followed by a paperback to attract a broader audience. Why is it so? For bookworms on a tighter budget, paperbacks are an excellent reading alternative because they don’t have to pay for bulky, pricey covers.

When it comes to publishing, many independent authors also rely on paperbacks. This is particularly true for those who aren’t aiming for a massive bestseller. 

If you’re interested in bringing out a paperback, keep reading to learn how to make a softcover book. We’ll also touch on the sizes and the right paper type for your publication.

What does a paperback book look like?

A paperback book lacks a rigid hardback and instead uses a flexible paperboard grade. Paperbacks are bound with a strong yet pliable cover, in contrast to hardcovers constructed from thick cardboard enveloped in fabric, plastic, or leather. That’s why softcover books look more portable and enjoyable to hold while reading.

One of the best things about paperbacks? They’re far less expensive to make. Due to the savings during production, they are often sold at a lower price than hardcover books.

The bottom line is that providing a softcover version of your book can greatly increase its accessibility to people who aren’t ready to pay higher prices.

What is the standard size of a paperback book?

The dimensions of paperback books can vary from palm-friendly to extra-large sizes

So, you have written and revised your draft until it is flawless. Now, you can proceed to the complete book-making process, and determining the trim size (a fancy word for the final book’s height and width) is one of the first major decisions you’ll have to make.

While most publishers recommend the standard sizes of 228.6 x 152.4mm, 254 x 203.2mm or the most popular A5 size 210 x 148mm, paperbacks can be as wide and high as you see fit. Yet, before you settle on a trim size just because it has worked for other books on your shelf, ask yourself these key questions:

  • Are those books in the same genre as yours?
  • Are they in the same format and made with a paperboard cover?
  • Were they published over the last two years?
  • Were they released by a well-known publisher?

Here’s a tricky part: just because you love a certain book size doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for today’s market. Instead of picking a trim size based on what you like, think about the following:

  • What sizes are actually selling in your book’s category right now?
  • What trim sizes do big-name publishers use for similar books?
  • Will industry pros take your book seriously based on its size?
  • Can your choice bump up the page count and printing costs more than expected?

When answering the question, “What are the dimensions of a paperback book that will work best for you?’ remember that the right size of your piece shapes how readers perceive it, how much it costs to produce, and ultimately, how well it sells.

How to preserve a paperback book

Softcover books can take a beating in the hands of a book lover. For some, it’s the result of using more cost effective materials. For others, a shorter lifespan is what you get due to poor storage conditions.


Here are a few tips on how to protect a paperback book:

  • Book holders. Using book holders is a great method to keep books in pristine condition as you read or display them. By reducing stress on the spine and softback, these holding units limit how far a book can be opened and reduce damage risks.
  • Weights. The pages of a softback book will often want to pop back because this format is not intended to lie flat. To keep a heavy book open, use a lightweight object rather than your hands to fend off wrinkles and fissures. Go for evenly distributed weights that do not strain the binding. However, because printed images are sometimes more delicate and susceptible to wear and tear, you should avoid placing weights directly on those places.
  • Opening angle. Because of their lack of flexibility, softcover books don’t always open without a snag. When you force them open, you put extra strain on the spine, which increases the likelihood that the adhesive will weaken or break over time. Try not to open your paperbacks too far, and choose an angle that creates the least resistance.

If you take good care of your softback books, they will remain in excellent shape for many years. 

How to make a paperback book

Professional printing companies can guide authors and self-publishers on how to print a paperback book

Print It ZA has been set up to take the burden of softcover book printing off your shoulders. With us, authors can choose the ideal book dimensions for their projects and receive professional recommendations on how to print a paperback book adjusted to their genre and markets.

You can ensure the desired reading experience with coated or uncoated paper choice for your text pages. Because it minimizes glare and makes reading easier on the eyes, non-glossy paper is ideal for publications with a lot of text, such as manuals or handbooks. Shiny paper is unbeatable for picture books because it brings out the best colors.

The thickness of your book’s spine will depend on the selected paper. If the spine is sufficiently wide, you can make it stand out in a variety of ways (by adding a title, a picture, a bold color block, or anything else that suits your style).

Choose Print It ZA for professional book-making assistance, printing, and advice on how to keep a paperback book in good condition until it reaches your readers.

Call Print It ZA today, we do Book Printing BEST!


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