Loyalty Programmes

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Loyalty Programmes

Kick your marketing into high gear using loyalty cards printing

After giving away freebies and starting another discount campaign, there’s only one thing left to do – customer loyalty program. It makes an ideal marketing strategy by building a lifelong relationship with every customer of yours. It comes down to using rewards, membership, punch, or special deal cards to turn an occasional buyer into a repeat one or, better yet, a brand advocate. And Print It ZA knows its way around loyalty programs and printing to help you make people flock to your store, restaurant, travel agency, etc.

With our services, you can:

  • make the most of loyalty program cards printing with vibrant colors and images
  • launch any campaign (membership, discount, rewards, etc.)
  • bring your long-cherished marketing ideas to life
  • get custom loyalty cards with unique design features
  • choose from rounded and folded corners
  • add different elements to the front and back sides
  • select the size and font that resonate with your business

We’ll then print loyalty cards with us, and we will prep them, and make them ready to be shipped to you. Don’t worry about the turnaround time. Even if you want thousands of cards to ratchet up your POS marketing, we can create them in no time.

When to start a rewards program and printing cards?

First, think of what type of loyalty cards work best for your business. While some can benefit from those with special points to encourage customers to earn them in exchange for discounts, others would make the most of punch-style ones. These are great for restaurants, bars, and coffee shops where people can qualify for a free drink as they keep visiting a place.

Then you can surely use our loyalty card printing service. One of the best things about reward programs is that they can be embedded into any purchase point. Additionally, you don’t have to be an established business to get started. Everyone loves a possibility to save or snatch some stuff for free, and a loyalty program is a surefire way to let them do that.

You only need to contact Print It ZA to use our cheap loyalty card printing service. We’ll start by creating an exclusive design to encourage your customers to return time after time.

Loyalty Programmes Company


Did you know, we create Loyalty Programmes, that prop up your business.

A customer loyalty programs or rewards programme is a marketing strategy that rewards loyal customers that frequently engage with a brand. By rewarding recurring engagement, you can increase customer loyalty and ensure continuous growth for your business


Begin (and Enhance) your Customer Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty is directly tied to your business bottom line, retention, and your ability to grow better. So, get started today by determining which customer loyalty tactic and strategy you’re going to tap into, we are here to assist and help you build your GROWTH strategy.


Contact Us

Build a stronger connection between customers and your brand with a unique loyalty program.


Book a demo or just reach out to Print It ZA and we will connect you with the right person to discuss your current strategy and your future business goals.


Book a demo

We look forward to working with you on your Business Loyalty and Rewards Programme