School years go by extremely fast and seemingly faster as you enter adulthood. But the biggest pet peeve is when you have nothing to reminisce about or when your memories get blurred. That’s why paperback and hardcover yearbook printing is a picture-perfect way to preserve the happiest school moments forever.

Even though you do have to take on a share of responsibilities, like collecting photos and content, a printing company will do the rest. It will act upon your group photos with the best yearbook printing and binding options, save you time, and take your ideas where they look the best to commemorate your experiences.

So, how can you get a yearbook with a printing company like this? Should you prioritize the software it uses, design options it provides, or reviews? It’s always a little bit of everything.

Creating a masterpiece with a yearbook printing company near me

You can’t make time slow down to soak up school moments before things rev up. But it’s up to you to capture and make them stay with you forever with a yearbook that lets you cast your mind back so vividly.

When deciding on professional printing services, make sure their terms are school-friendly and their high school yearbook prices are affordable for everyone in the group. If you are good with them, that’s a great first port of call. Too expensive or limited in yearbook styles? That’s a no-go.

The next step is to check the quality of available page designs and photos printed to be sure you love the feel. If you can’t decide on your own, share a few options with your classmates and ask them whether they find those to be appealing. If everyone is happy, look at:

  • Editing services. School yearbook printing rarely goes as easily as ticking some boxes and waiting for your yearbook to come like a piece of art. The process involves numerous subprocesses, whether you want to adjust the style, have a sudden change of heart, or find 10 more group photos to add. So, editing services should be available without referring you to another company.
  • Cover designs. A yearbook can be seen as a coffer of sorts (a strong box to store & hold your valuables) for your school memories. You want it to be reliable, durable, and beautiful for the number of pages you need. This can be achieved with paperback or hardcover yearbook printing, and both options must be available.
  • Binding. Even though yearbook printing is an unbroken tradition in South Africa, Europe, the USA, and other countries, many creatives love experimenting with what yearbooks can look like. If you have some ideas that have never been turned into yearbooks before, ask whether a printing company can work with suitable binding methods. Saddle-stitched and hardcover are just timeless classic options, but you should also explore whether they can do it a different way.

Where are books printed and loved by all graduating students?

Quantity commitment is the worst thing that can happen to you when ordering custom yearbooks. Regardless of when you graduate, you may need a few more yearbooks or to change the page count on short notice. While most yearbook printing companies will not let you do that or charge double fees for the changes, Print It ZA will print yearbooks in any quantity and style to keep your school memories alive — all at the best prices, Print It ZA we deliver Printing Best!